Going Green Never Felt So Good

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Earn and save today with your Solar Panel & Battery System

Let our experts find you the best solar deal on the market

We Supply Industry Leading Manufacturers

The Benefits of Going Solar…

When you go solar, you’ll be making a difference. Choosing solar power helps with the fight against climate change, igniting a brighter future for our planet.

You’ll Make Money…

Solar can save 70% on your energy bills
It increases the value of your home
You can sell back surplus electricity

Good for the Environment

Shrinks your carbon footprint
Reduces reliance on fossil fuels
As effective as planting 150 trees a year

Welcome to the world of Social Solar,  our team will connect you with the best solar companies here in the UK and will guide you through the process. 

Our partners only install products from trusted manufacturers ensuring every product meets our requirements.

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Social Solar is the UK’s most simple and supportive solar company

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Going green is a brighter future for everyone!

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How do we use our energy?

There are normally two periods of the day where we use the most energy: the morning when we wake up and the evening when we get home, this is why 80% of our solar customers choose a smart battery. Our team will find the best battery which will suit your needs, from Electric car owners or families with lots of devices.

Excess solar power is stored on your solar battery

Ready to join the green revolution and start saving? We’ll help you to make the change and go solar! Our flexible system integrates with solar panels and batteries, storing excess energy during the day, so you can use it later. So all that beautiful energy that you can’t use will store in one of our solar batteries which you can use during the night.

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You can trust us. Our suppliers and installers are approved by all major regulators.

Frequently Asked Questions

Social solar are a team of green energy experts who will put you in touch with the best solar and battery companies around. We are passionate about green energy and only use the most trusted and knowledgeable solar teams.  Our friendly team are always happy to help.



Unfortunately, the government do not offer solar grants anymore, but do not let that put you off. With the price of solar and battery storage becoming more affordable than ever before it just makes sense to go green and start saving energy and money on your bills.

So your solar panels will generate all this beautiful energy in the day but there will be times when you cant take advantage of it all so instead of it going to waste you would store it in your own solar battery.  All the energy you make in the day that you don’t use will charge your battery which can be used in the evening when the sun goes down.

Generally, solar panels can last for up to 25-30 years. They are exceptionally durable and need little to no maintaince as they have no moving parts. 

The ideal roof for solar panels is a south facing roof with zero or very little shading. But if you don’t have the perfect roof don’t let that put you off. Solar panels have improved so much that they can generate and produce more energy than ever before and can be installed on many different style of roofs. Solar can even come as a ground mounted system.

If you have a smaller roof do not worry, solar panels have now advanced and some panels can produce as much as 460W of energy, most systems we install are a 12 panel system but if you are limited for space some full systems can be as little as 10 panels.

A lot of people think that solar panels need direct sun light to produce energy, but the truth is they generate energy from daylight. So even when its not a sunny day you will produce energy and still make savings.

Solar panels come in two different types of colours, blue and black.  When solar was first invented the panels were all blue and these were called Polycrystalline (POLY) they are cheaper and less efficient and not as pleasing on the eye and don’t work as well in the British weather.  Here at Social Solar, we offer you the choice, but most of our customers decide to go for the sleek black panels. These are called Monocrystalline (MONO) – they are a lot more efficient, have better life span and generate energy better in the UK climate